According to the certificate issued by the transport company LKW WALTER, during 2013, COMPAC contributed to the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, due to an effective management of its logistics system. This action is only one of many actions that COMPAC, performed to ensure the respect for the environment. Other of the measures taken taken by the company are the use of renewable energy to supply electricity to the production plants, up to 90% of the electricity used in the production process comes from renewable energy certified by the supply company; to establish a water purification system to the production processes, it allows reuse of up to 98% of water; the reforestation of over 15,000 pine trees in the close to our production plant in Portugal to get offsetting 100% of our CO2 emissions from our production process by 2015. LKW WALTER is an Austrian company with over 90 years experience in the international transport sector and leader in the management of full loads for European transport.